Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Packing bags...

This morning was completely normal, I woke up at 6.30am and got ready, then came downstairs and ate something. We left the house on time and ended up making the train with plenty of time. We caught the train and walked to school with some friends. I went straight to school and some of the girls in my class eventually came to school and we talked. We went upstairs when the dorr opened and got tho take the lift up. We waited outside the classroom until our History teacher came.

During History, the teacher basically talk the whole time, then showed us an Astrix comics and made us read pages in the text. She talked more and more, then the class was over right in the middle of when she was explaining something. Our Maths teacher came in nearly straight away and started the class. We had to do the worksheet she gave us last time and then do the questins that she put on the boards... Of course, I just really watch and foloow along, but only do the work that is really straight forward. We spent the whole class doing that, she explained things a little bit along the way, then it was break.

I went downstairs to the cafeteria with some kids in my class, of course via the lift. I bought something to eat and then we headed back up before German. Our German teacher came in and talked a little bit about what we did last week and then we ended up reading about 8 short stories that people had wrote and giving critisism and praise. We had two periods of German and a break in between. The class was really good and most of the stories were really easy to understand.

After German, we went downstairs... Via the lift and then waited near the entry to the sports rooms. We talked for a while, most of the class was around and then we went into the changerooms. We all got changed and went out into the hall and started playing Badminton. The teacher talked through different ways to hit the ball and then we got into partners and played a bit. I was with Ronja and we ended up hitting the ball most of the time, until she gave us slightly different instructions. We had a small break inbetween the two periods, but then we kept playing. We finished a little bit earlier so that we could pack up, then we got changed and I went with Lena to the bus stop.

Our first stop with Ahrens and I looked for some little gifts for some friends. We didn't find much, but Lena had another idea for better gifts. We caught another bus to near the movies and went to have lunch at Salädchen. It was really good nd we actually got to sit at a table becuase it wasn't overly busy. We sat there for a while, eating and then walked down to street to the Marburg shop and I bought some small things. Lena and I walked back and then past the movies, over the bridge and to Media Markt. I needed to go there to buy a gift and then I ended up buying some DVDs. We carried the bags to the bus stop and I waited with Lena until her bus came.

I left and walked all the way back. It was very hard to walk due to the size of what I was carrying in one of my bags... I made my way to the lifts and then ended up in the Oberstadt. I walked through the toy shop, another little shop and then the skate store. I spent a little too much money and then walked all the way down the hill to Julia's oma's house. I popped in and said hello, then a secret exchange of goods happened and I left again. I was planning on walking ot the bus stop, but I thought it was easy enough to walk all the way to the train station, so I speed walked there. My bus was already there, but it was more than 5 minutes early. I got on and sat there for ages until it left. I wondered why I bothered wlaking so quickly if my bus was there anyway...

I caught the bus to Bürgeln and walked home. When I got home, I sat at the table and Julia's mum made Julia's dad and I waffles. We ate and then Julia's mum and I went over to Claude's house. She was so sick, that we weren't let into the house. We talked a bit and then wished her well and walked home. I went upstairs into my room and started packed my suitcase... I packed nearly everything, then weighed it and I still had a few kilos to fill. I realised that I had packed everything that was really light and the few heavy things left were quite heavy... I got nearly everything in and it was 25kg... It was meant to be 23kg. i still had a bit more to pack though.

Dinner was ready, so I went downstairs and we had steak with salad and potatoes. After dinner, I went back upstairs and backed some more into my suitcase. I got my shoes and packed them and then some more of the delicate things. I went downstairs and sat on the couch for a while. I did a little bit of knitting and then folded the washing. I found more clothes that I had to pack, so I went upstairs and put them in my suitcase and weighed it... It weighed 27kg and my hand luggage weighed 8.5kg, it was meant to be 7kg. I went onto the internet afterwards, searching for the baggage fees and if the airline was really strict with the weight... I didn't find anything except for the fact that you can take 10 litres of holy water as carry on lugagge...

I watched TV with Julia's parents and did some knitting. At about 9.30pm, I started getting ready to go out and I walked to the train station... That ended up being interesting. At 9.40pm, no train comes... Only at 8.40pm, or 10.40pm... I walked back home and just as I was walking in the door, Julia's dad was walking out and he ended up driving me into the city, which I felt bad about, but he said it was fine.

He dropped me off near the movies and I walked there and walked inside. I started getting my ohone out to call my friends, but then they walked past, so all was good. We stood around and waited for Jessie to come back with the tickets. There were only 4 of us, Jessie, Ronja, a chinese exchange student, Ellen and I. We talked a bit and then ended up going upstairs. We were going to the 'Sneak' thing that the movies here do, so you don't know which movie it is. We got something to eat, then went and sat inside the cinema. They were giving out lollipops and small soft drinks at the door too...

We sat down and watched 30 minutes of ads... Finally the movie started and it ended up being, 'Brothers.' The movie was really good and I really enjoyed it. Ronja left a little bit earlier, juts before it finished really, because she had to catch her bus home. The movie finished late as well, at about 12.45am, but I got a lift home with Jessie. I got hom et about 1am and went to sleep a little bit after that.

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